All about linocuts...
Kat Lendacka was born and grew up in Litomerice, a rather picturesque small town approximately 40 miles north of Prague in what was once Bohemia. Litomerice abounds with architecture – Medieval, Baroque, Renaissance and Art Nouveau – which Kat says may have helped to form her artistic vision. Kat also cites other Czech influences as animators and illustrators such as Jiri Trnka, Jiri Salamoun and Josef Lada.
After a false start studying sciences at Charles University in Prague she moved to the UK in the year 2000 to discover which way to take next..
Since her move to the UK, Kat has gained a first class honours degree in Graphics from University College Northampton, has worked in graphic design and lectured, part time, at De Monfort University.
Now married with two daughters and her whippet, Kat is concentrating on her own printmaking work. Kat uses a Northampton-made roller relief press, printing from lino, cut with small wooden handled tools from Prague. Her favourite themes are animals, plants and the British landscape. All her works are original linocut prints.
Her original collection predominantly consisted of black and white prints on paper or card, but Kat has recently moved into using colour and into printing on fabric using different layers of colour. Most of Kat’s current work is of animals and birds, both wild and domesticated and she is constantly being inspired by other artists. Her favourite currents artists are Angie Lewin, Mark Hearld, Emily Sutton and Paul Bommer.